IVF & IUI. Benefits of ACUPUNCTURE for conception
There are many ways acupuncture can support couples using IVF or IUI.
Clinical trials undertaken over the past few years indicate that acupuncture treatments on & prior to the day of embryo transfer improves implantation rates.
Acupuncture before and during the medication phase of IVF prepares the uterine lining and has been shown to improve hormone levels and may also increase pregnancy rates.
Acupuncture has been shown to reduce anxiety levels associated with infertility and IVF.
Acupuncture has been shown to improve sperm morphology and motility.
Anecdotal clinical evidence, as yet unproven in clinical trials suggests that acupuncture is effective in reducing the side effects of IVF.
IVF patients can feel confident that they are receiving the very best of Acupuncture support protocols and that they are appropriately integrated into their IVF programme. Acupuncture has been shown in clinical trials to contribute not only to how you feel during your IVF cycle but may also contribute to your chance of success.
Acupuncture during the first and/or third terms of pregnancy is helpful for women who have had a history of infertility and/or miscarriage.
According to Chinese Medicine, miscarriage is due to Spleen Qi deficiency and/or Kidney Qi deficiency. Both pathological condition are treated with increasing success through regular Acupuncture treatments.
Labour induction is stimulated by daily treatments, or treatments every second day for three or four treatment. This encourages labour to happen without the need for medication.
If baby is breech, in week 34, with traditional Chinese Medicine, baby can be turned with one treatment, repeated daily for three or four days. Baby will always turn in the way it would have done if it had turned of its own accord.
An awareness of when ovulation is taking place is key to planning the best time for conception to occur.
The first half of the cycle, known as the Follicular Phase, often varies not only in duration, but in differing body temperatures that may result in follicular phases being either too high, too low, too short or too long, all or any of which can present problems at the time of conception. Acupuncture has proven itself capable of treating the conditions leading to these irregular phases thus optimizing the possibilities of conception.
Cranial malformations are common after the shock and trauma of child-birth! Cranio-Sacral Therapy allows for both Spinal & Cranial adjustments and releases to take place naturally and effortlessly.
Inadequate or non existent fertile mucus is a common cause of infertility. The last day of any fertile mucus is often referred to a the "peakday". The production of Fertile Mucus in the days before ovulation is essential to facilitate the sperm's journey up the cervix and into the female reproductive tract well in advance of the egg's release. Acupuncture, by moving & regulating Uterine blood & Chi can enhance the quality & quantity of spinn, i.e. the elastic, lubricative, slippery quality of the fertile mucus essential for fertilization.
The 28-day cycle is conventionally the "typical" cycle length; habituated as we are to a weekly rhythm. However, a more correct "typical" length is 29.5 days -the length of the lunar month. Reality, on the other hand, at least for a great many women, is that their cycle may vary from a 24- to a 36-day cycle and for them may present little or no problem. Most medical texts describe anything from 25 to 35 days as normal. However, the nearer the cycle is to 28 or 29 days the better as it greatly promotes optimal conditions for conception. For this reason, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) regulating the cycle is addressed before anything else
Regulating the woman’s hormonal cycle
Improving the quality of a woman’s fertile mucus
Regulating ovulation
Promoting an efficient menstrual bleed
Enhancing egg development.
Improving sperm quality
Enhancing the internal environment of the fallopian tubes.
Promoting embryo implantation
Promoting a viable pregnancy
Doing everything for your baby's well being and safety is not only just natural, it is also a source of great comfort, pride and joy for parents and family alike.
Acupuncture, unlike modern medication, has none of the damaging side-effects or secondary complications of modern drugs, making Acupuncture the first safe & effective choice of supportive treatment.