Headache & Migraine Pain are often related to stress & dietary conditions which have, with time, become chronic. Profoundly relaxing CranioSacral Therapy treatment in combination with Acupuncture, which in turn is supported by Naturopathic Medical advice, are the means by which great relief can be obtained here at Nature's Health & Acupuncture Clinic.
Irrespective of your age, weight, life-style or sex, most of us suffer from lower back pain at one time or another. There are many common aetiologies or causes, yet they all have one thing in common; lumbar pain makes every single task harder and more stressful and often is a sign of vertebral disk degeneration. However, there are other common causes such as Kidney Chi stagnation and/or deficiency, which often happens in combination with stress and extreme muscle tension & anxiety. At Nature's Health & Acupuncture Clinic, Electro-Acupuncture in combination with Cranio-Sacral Therapy has proven again & again to bring great relief from even chronic lumbar pain.
SCIATICA. Lower back pain that often travels down the buttock and into the leg & foot.
Sciatic Pain, which often begins as intermittent lumbar pain, yet which slowly & progressivly spreads, can be very debilitating especially when left untreated, as it can eventually lead to a person having to drag their foot as they walk while suffering constantly. Early treatment is the best solution and more readily promotes a quicker and better recovery. Here at Nature's Health & Acupuncture Clinic sciatic pain is treated with Electro Acupuncture combined with a gentle therapeutic massage & NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE resulting in relief which can often be felt right after the first treatment.
Joint and muscle pain respond really well to Electro-& Laser acupuncture treatments. Pain relief is felt right after the first treatment and with a course of treatment many conditions improve greatly or are resolved. Repeated application of Laser Acupuncture speeds recovery time and further alleviates the pain. Recovery is always aided by therapeutic massage and Naturopathic Medical Advice.
Pain from TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA, which is experienced as excruciating FACIAL PAIN, usually on the right side of the face, from the ear across to the eye, to the cheek and on to the mouth, causes many of those afflicted, to suffer for years. Here at Nature's Health & Acupuncture Clinic we have greatly reduced this pain for all of our clients to date and in some cases the pain has subsided almost completely allowing clients to resume a more normal, healthier life style.
Many young women who suffer from crippling pain prior to and/or during their period often choose to go on the pill in an attempt to solve their problem. Medication need only be a last resort. Acupuncture & the application of Naturopathic Medical advice given at Nature's Health & Acupuncture Clinic are combined to balance the menstrual cycle, shifting the blood & chi stagnation, which very often is the cause of the painful condition, and nourishing the blood which flows to endomitral tissue, to the ovaries & the womb thereby promoting the restoration of health and the relief from period pains